On of the three objectives of the Fair Green & Global Alliance is to improve trade and investment to advance socially just, inclusive and environmentally sustainable development.
Trade and investment have the potential to contribute significantly to economic opportunities and equality. However, the current global trade and investment regime has expanded the rights of corporations, while diminishing the policy options available to governments. There is an urgent need to redress this imbalance between the rights and obligations of corporations and the regulatory space available to governments to fulfil environmental and social objectives, including increased gender equality and respect for human rights.
Six intermediate steps
Like the other two main objectives (Improved Corporate Conduct and Improved Financial and Tax Systems), we work on six (not necessarily sequential) intermediate steps that contribute to the envisioned improvements
A An enabling environment – both the rights and the legal and political spaces needed to claim and defend those rights are protected for people, communities and civil society actors, enabling them to address problems and promote alternatives.
B Capacities strengthened – increased capacity of civil society actors to research, network and advocate.
C Alternatives developed – the FGG Alliance and other civil society actors develop, pilot and promote alternative policies and practices for its areas of work. These alternatives are people-driven, gender inclusive, sustainable, and contribute to policy coherence.
D Agendas set – private and public sector decision makers have prioritised improvement measures due to support from influential civil society actors, critical media attention, increased public awareness and effective scrutiny of corporate conduct, trade and investment policies and financial and tax policies.
E Policies changed – government and corporate policies related to corporate conduct, trade and investment, tax and public spending, as well as financial regulations and policies are improved.
F Practice changed – improved policies, processes and regulations are successfully and sustainably implemented and enforced.