In 2021 the new Power of Voices policy framework of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs will start with twenty strategic partnerships. The Fair, Green and Global Alliance (FGG) has been selected to enter the third stage of the application process.
This is a huge step towards further deepening the existing partnership with the Ministry. FGG will continue as an alliance with the current members (ActionAid, Both ENDS, Clean Clothes Campaign, Milieudefensie, SOMO and TNI) and has welcomed two new alliance members: IT for Change (India) and the Samdhana Institue (South East Asia).
New FGG members
IT for Change aims for a society in which digital technologies contribute to human rights, social justice and equity. Their work in the areas of education, gender, governance, community informatics and internet/digital policies pushes the boundaries of existing vocabulary and practice, exploring new development and social change frameworks.
Samdhana Institute is a community of activists and practitioners; working together with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, collaborating with civil society movements; inspiring, nurturing, and cultivating resilient communities, for social and environmental justice in Southeast Asia.
The approved FGG proposal falls under the theme of ‘Trade and sustainable value chains’. In partnership with the Ministry, FGG and its global network of partner organisations will contribute to fair and sustainable trade, production and consumption.
Within this broad and global thematic area advocating alternatives and increasing the power and decision-making influence of organised, mobilised and informed civil society, especially women, will be the core challenge of the next FGG programme.
More to come...